Friday 25 November 2011

10 Ways To Be More Creative At Work

Let’s recall the last instance when you had a “wow” moment. Were you playing some game? Were you busy being creative or caught up in a brainstorming meeting, or maybe driving?
Setting the platform and creating ideas for a ground-breaking environment need approach that is part science and somewhat art. We all know art is about believing that our creative team has the required aptitude to garner priceless ideas and explore further. The art presents us with techniques and tools that can be used in thought-provoking concepts.
Incorporate following top 10 ways to be much more creative and effective in your work environment:
  • Creativity isn’t just for artistic sorts. We often ask the delivery-man to share a swift thought. Invite your clients; engage one and all – outsiders too.
  • “If you see any coworker engage in unusual chore such as staring attentively into space, lost somewhere or wondering out loud, nudge ‘em with a pointed stick and blame them of slaying time.” Advised by Monty Python fame; John Cleese.
  • Write a question on a piece of paper that you need help with, and stick it at the office entrance. Let everyone in your office share thoughts and ideas regarding your question in their free time.
  • Laughter inspires awesome thoughts. Play a video of hilarious stand-up comedian before discussions in every creative meeting.
  • Persuade your creative team to pull out and use project-related-pictures from magazines unrelated to your office-work and make stimulating collage.
  • Encourage your artistic team in taking risks in the office related to design projects. Get out and execute activities that will help to get them out of the comfort zones. “The quantity of imagination is inversely proportional to the amount of punishment person will receive for using it (imagination).” The anonymous quote should say it all for you.
  • Use an “If Only” board in your office. Let your team gather ideas, and then use those ideas to ignite your imagination during creative meetings.
  • Let every team member pose as their favorite personality and as if they were that individual only, conduct a discussion in the creative session.
  • Don’t let it get monotonous, change or substitute work environments. Going out or somewhere else will help motivate fresh ideas.
  • Always encourage your team to use their hands during the creative session. It has been scientifically proven that about 97% of hand nerves are connected to our brain which in turn will help stimulate brain cells!
Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas below in comments section of how to be much more creative and effective at work.

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