Friday 25 November 2011


Home DecoratingMention something like room design, interior decorating or home decorating and the average home owner or apartment dweller becomes a bundle of nerves and, in some cases, actually starts to shake. Why … he or she immediately believes the creativity needed to successfully home decorate just isn’t available.
If you feel that way, this is the time to “change your attitude.” You don’t have to be a professional room designer … a skilled interior decorator …or a gifted amateur to create “looks” that would actually make a professional proud.
All you really need to do – at any time – is trust your creative instincts and your judgment … they both exist and they are always available to you. It is simply a matter of accessing the creative intellect that rests inside you. And that takes confidence … a belief that you can do it.
And … you can do it, even if you currently don’t realize it. In truth, you can look at an empty room and imagine it filled with furniture and furnishings … with walls painted in colors that are vibrant and inviting … with floor and table lamps that bring elements of interest and warmth with them – you can think like an interior decorator.
That is not to say, of course, that you possess the skills and the experience of a professional decorator who gets paid for his or her services … nothing of the sort. But, you are creative, certainly to the point where you can “dress up” each room in your home and make it look great. And, unlike a professional interior decorator, you’ll be able to “carry out this magic” without busting your personal budget.
That’s because, as you will quickly discover, you not only possess decorating ability, you also know how to “shop and save.” And that gives you a “leg up” on the high-priced professional talent.
So, if you’re thinking of decorating a room – or several rooms – in your single family home, your townhouse or your condo – trust yourself to get the job done in great fashion.
Remember even before you start: you know what looks good … you know how to shop … you know how to fit all the elements of room design together, including color … and you should know that you can do it all in spectacular fashion.
Home DecoratingThis is your time to prove to yourself and to those close to you that you have skills and abilities that have long been dormant, skills and abilities you’re ready to show off.
Take the next step as soon as possible. If you’ve just purchased a home and are waiting to move in – plan each room out carefully. Then begin shopping for the items you know are needed. If you already are living in a home and simply want to redecorate a room or two, employ the same strategy.
You may not be able to get hired and work as an interior designer, but you’re good enough to employ the skills you have for yourself. Get started with home decorating. And have fun.

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