Friday 25 November 2011


When the question of bathroom designs arises, most of us tend to be a little clueless. The average American home often has bathrooms that are more utilitarian than good-looking.
It’s not because Americans don’t want their bathrooms to be visually attractive … it’s that, for the most part, they don’t know how to achieve a true decorative effect. And yet, it’s really not that difficult … or expensive. That’s the simple truth.
Here’s why. If you’ve ever walked into a quality department store, you’ve seen the beautiful bathroom “sconces” and “extras” available in the store to help turn an ordinary bathroom into something extraordinary. But … department stores often charge “full manufacturer’s retail price” and that can be expensive.
A better solution, one actually used by professional designers, is to go to a discount store like Walmart to purchase the products that will accomplish the bathroom designs that can – and will – make your bathroom look special.
Bathroom DesignsThere’s so much that you can do to create superb bathroom designs – a plush area rug … a matching, plush seat cover for the toilet … stunning and interesting, but inexpensive, wall art … a matching and attractive soap dish and toothbrush holder … a cup holder for disposable paper cups (you’ll need to use to rinse your mouth each morning and evening) … and so much more.
Now, if that sounds like a lot, it is – but, if you go to a discount store, you’ll find that all of these products are budget-friendly. In fact, the cost is so modest you’re likely to have money left over for additional purchases for your bathtub and/or shower … or both.
All of the items you can buy to “dress up your bathroom” are available in dazzling varieties of designer colors that are sure to match any existing color scheme in your home. And as I’ve already noted, the cost is far from prohibitive … it’s downright affordable.
The ability to really stretch your budget when engaging in bathroom designs means you can “keep buying” to add more interest to each of the bathrooms in your home. Perhaps, if you want, you can add a designer scale … a stylish waste basket … “soap on a rope” that can hang intriguingly from the nozzle in your shower … and so much more.
The point is this: there is so much you can do to make your bathroom look as good and as interesting as your living room, your family room, your dining room or your kitchen. The only thing that may stand in your way is your own imagination.
There’s no need to let that stop you from turning your bathroom into a showcase. If you’re unsure of your ability to “think outside the box,” thumb through a decorating magazine or watch a TV show that stresses home decoration.
You’ll get the ideas you want … and the confidence you need to produce bathroom designs that will have friends and neighbors heaping praise on you. Enjoy the experience!


Many homeowners fear that they lack the ability to design bedroom and decorate the rooms of their homes without any professional help. In many cases, they’re probably right to feel that way.
However, there are countless homeowners and apartment dwellers – perhaps you’re one of them – - who, when they try to “dress up a room” do a good, even a great, job.
Bedroom DesignIt’s not as difficult as you think. If you have an imagination and an “eye for layout,” you can design any room in your home. Consider the bedrooms …
Let’s imagine, for a moment, that you have children, a boy and a girl. And let’s say that your son is a teenager. Bedroom design for him should be simple. Create a sports theme – with posters of his favorite players (any sport, of course) … bedding and linens that have a sports theme … paint or wallpaper in colors and/or patterns that teenage boys like and – bingo – you’ve completed a successful bedroom design.
It’s just as simple for your daughter. Let’s say that she, too, is a teenager. The posters that cover her walls should be of teen idols she adores (they’re numerous). And her bedding should reflect who she is – a young female. Feminine colors and ruffles and lace should dominate the bedding theme which can be topped off with cuddly, stuffed animals. And … that’s it – easy!
But what about bedroom designs for your part of the house? The Master Bedroom requires more thought than what was needed for the rooms you designed for your kids – maybe lots more thought.  There are so many design themes you can opt to use …
Create a warm and inviting “colonial theme” with a big, four-poster bed and dressers crafted in rich, mahogany woods that look sensational. Or … choose a different theme …
Turn your Master Bedroom into a contemporary showplace with a modern bed and backboard … matching end tables and a long, sleek dresser – all crafted in shiny and attractive laminates. It looks good … and you’ll love it.
There are, of course, other bedroom designs that you can select. How about the ultra-modern look that includes furniture which is more noteworthy for its appearance than for its comfort. That’s not to say it’s uncomfortable. It is, however so stylishly-advanced, so avant-garde, that it may actually look uncomfortable. It will also look memorable … a single room showcase of which you will be justifiably proud.
Is there anything else you can do … are there any other bedroom designs that may make sense for your Master Bedroom? How about the eclectic look? This style enables you to create a “bedroom hodgepodge” of different styles for the express purpose of creating a “look” that is unique.
Bedroom DesignIf you opt to go “eclectic,” you can use your four-poster bed with the modern laminated dresser … with lamps that recall a period known as “the gaslight era” – you get the idea. Eclectic means that you can “mix and match” a little bit of everything to create a bedroom design that is yours, alone.
Now that you know you can do it, sit back and plan new bedroom designs for your kids and for yourself. And then … enjoy the results.


Home DecoratingMention something like room design, interior decorating or home decorating and the average home owner or apartment dweller becomes a bundle of nerves and, in some cases, actually starts to shake. Why … he or she immediately believes the creativity needed to successfully home decorate just isn’t available.
If you feel that way, this is the time to “change your attitude.” You don’t have to be a professional room designer … a skilled interior decorator …or a gifted amateur to create “looks” that would actually make a professional proud.
All you really need to do – at any time – is trust your creative instincts and your judgment … they both exist and they are always available to you. It is simply a matter of accessing the creative intellect that rests inside you. And that takes confidence … a belief that you can do it.
And … you can do it, even if you currently don’t realize it. In truth, you can look at an empty room and imagine it filled with furniture and furnishings … with walls painted in colors that are vibrant and inviting … with floor and table lamps that bring elements of interest and warmth with them – you can think like an interior decorator.
That is not to say, of course, that you possess the skills and the experience of a professional decorator who gets paid for his or her services … nothing of the sort. But, you are creative, certainly to the point where you can “dress up” each room in your home and make it look great. And, unlike a professional interior decorator, you’ll be able to “carry out this magic” without busting your personal budget.
That’s because, as you will quickly discover, you not only possess decorating ability, you also know how to “shop and save.” And that gives you a “leg up” on the high-priced professional talent.
So, if you’re thinking of decorating a room – or several rooms – in your single family home, your townhouse or your condo – trust yourself to get the job done in great fashion.
Remember even before you start: you know what looks good … you know how to shop … you know how to fit all the elements of room design together, including color … and you should know that you can do it all in spectacular fashion.
Home DecoratingThis is your time to prove to yourself and to those close to you that you have skills and abilities that have long been dormant, skills and abilities you’re ready to show off.
Take the next step as soon as possible. If you’ve just purchased a home and are waiting to move in – plan each room out carefully. Then begin shopping for the items you know are needed. If you already are living in a home and simply want to redecorate a room or two, employ the same strategy.
You may not be able to get hired and work as an interior designer, but you’re good enough to employ the skills you have for yourself. Get started with home decorating. And have fun.


Most people have very definite ideas about home design and believe they can turn every room in the house or apartment they live in … into an individual showplace.
It’s all about creativity … having an open mind … and preparation. While some folks prefer to spend big money to hire professional interior decorators and design firms, it’s really not necessary if you have a belief in yourself … and your ability to make each room in your home a “thing of beauty.”
Here are top 10 home design tips to help you achieve the results you want …
  • Set Reachable Goals … this should be your very first step – the establishment of goals that are sensible and that you can accomplish. That means you should not be thinking about major renovation, but, instead, purchasing items you can afford that will transform your home.
  • Set a Sensible Budget … you’d probably like to spend endlessly to get “the very best” furnishings, art and more to create “your personal palace.” But, if that’s going to cost too much, it’s obviously not realistic. Create a spending plan you can afford … and stick to it.
  • Get “Samples” and Bring them home …Visit home design stores and ask for small samples and swatches of fabrics, patterns and colors, even window treatments, rug samples and more so that you can return home with them and judge them more accurately in the room where you want them. It will be easier to determine if a pattern or color is right when you hold it up in the room in your home where you want to use it.
  • Use a Design Board … Employed by professional interior designers, it will help you to figure out if all the colors, patterns and fabrics you’ve acquired work well together.
  • Sketch a simple floor plan … this is a critically important step because it will help you determine – in advance – if the furniture you want to buy will fit in the room where you want to use it.
  • Update or improve your lighting … here’s another important step. If you’re going to “revitalize” the rooms in your home, effective, modern lighting will highlight the design changes you make. So, follow this Home Design Tip – remove your old lamps and replace them with new, stylish lamps and clever overhead lighting.
  • Be aware of the square footage available to you … make sure you know the actual size of the room you’re working on before you spend money on furniture. It would be an awful financial loss if the couch you purchased didn’t fit in your living room.
  • Use the 60-30-10- rule …this is another great home design tip. The “rule” says that you should use the “dominant” color in any room you’re designing up to 60% in all the furniture and furnishings you add. 30% of the colors you use should be for the secondary color … and the remaining 10% can be “spent” on adding a matching accent color.
  • Mix and match with style … this is yet another very sound home design tip. When you mix and match colors and patterns, the result is a relaxed, eclectic “feel”. Does it work? Yes … and that’s why professional designers use the same formula.
  • Develop a Specific Point of Interest … it is how to make your room noticeable when people visit. You can, for example, use a large piece of art on a dominant or primary wall … place an over-sized rug in the middle of the room … “build” a conversation pit with a couch and chairs – the choice is yours.
Top 10 Home Design TipsFollow these top 10 home design tips and you’re sure to create an environment that will impress people and become “the talk of the neighborhood.” Best of all, you can do it on a budget.


You cannot compare coffee tables with an idle inventory anymore, and or useless furniture lying inside your house. Coffee table is one of the best interior design accessory to make your living room look good. And, you can confirm this by checking out our post today where we have gathered some of the best, actually top 10 creative coffee table design concepts from around the world.
As per our research, all these stylish and creative coffee tables are available for purchase from their respective designers. You can either Google search with their name for their designers information or leave us a comment and we will try our best to gather as much information available.
So what are we waiting for coffee lovers? Start scrolling below to browse through the images of top 10 coffee table designs and see if something inspires you to be an interior designer, or how to decorate your living room. Gethome decorating ideas below!
Gloria Coffee Table
Gloria Coffee Table
Venus Coffee Table
Venus Coffee Table
Theta Coffee Table
Theta Coffee Table
Baxton Studio Barbara Wenge-Color Adjustable Coffee Table
Baxton Studio Barbara Wenge-Color Adjustable Coffee Table
Serena Oval Coffee Table
Serena Oval Coffee Table
Chrome Plated Coffee Table
Chrome Plated Coffee Table
Ida Black Oak Coffee Table
Ida Black Oak Coffee Table
Istikbal Stella Glass Top Coffee Table
Istikbal Stella Glass Top Coffee Table
Howard Miller Round Glass Table with Clock
Howard Miller Round Glass Table with Clock
Dekon 2 Coffee Table
Dekon 2 Coffee Table

10 Ways To Be More Creative At Work

Let’s recall the last instance when you had a “wow” moment. Were you playing some game? Were you busy being creative or caught up in a brainstorming meeting, or maybe driving?
Setting the platform and creating ideas for a ground-breaking environment need approach that is part science and somewhat art. We all know art is about believing that our creative team has the required aptitude to garner priceless ideas and explore further. The art presents us with techniques and tools that can be used in thought-provoking concepts.
Incorporate following top 10 ways to be much more creative and effective in your work environment:
  • Creativity isn’t just for artistic sorts. We often ask the delivery-man to share a swift thought. Invite your clients; engage one and all – outsiders too.
  • “If you see any coworker engage in unusual chore such as staring attentively into space, lost somewhere or wondering out loud, nudge ‘em with a pointed stick and blame them of slaying time.” Advised by Monty Python fame; John Cleese.
  • Write a question on a piece of paper that you need help with, and stick it at the office entrance. Let everyone in your office share thoughts and ideas regarding your question in their free time.
  • Laughter inspires awesome thoughts. Play a video of hilarious stand-up comedian before discussions in every creative meeting.
  • Persuade your creative team to pull out and use project-related-pictures from magazines unrelated to your office-work and make stimulating collage.
  • Encourage your artistic team in taking risks in the office related to design projects. Get out and execute activities that will help to get them out of the comfort zones. “The quantity of imagination is inversely proportional to the amount of punishment person will receive for using it (imagination).” The anonymous quote should say it all for you.
  • Use an “If Only” board in your office. Let your team gather ideas, and then use those ideas to ignite your imagination during creative meetings.
  • Let every team member pose as their favorite personality and as if they were that individual only, conduct a discussion in the creative session.
  • Don’t let it get monotonous, change or substitute work environments. Going out or somewhere else will help motivate fresh ideas.
  • Always encourage your team to use their hands during the creative session. It has been scientifically proven that about 97% of hand nerves are connected to our brain which in turn will help stimulate brain cells!
Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas below in comments section of how to be much more creative and effective at work.


The photos are from princess um-salman's home office at Saudi arabia,designed by me.

Why so? You will want to spend most of your time with dedication in the office if it reflects the comfort and design of the rest of your home. Here are top 10 home office design tips to keep in mind for creating an appealing, no-nonsense work space.
  1. Home Office Location Matters
  2. Home Office Furniture Should Serve You
  3. Invest in a Great Office Chair
  4. Paint Home Office Walls with a Color You Love
  5. Give Yourself an Effective Office View
  6. Choose Professional Home Office Accessories
  7. Organize Vertically & Horizontally
  8. Master Your Technology
  9. Light Up Your Home Office
  10. Inspire Yourself
Did we miss something? If you have some home office design tips to share, or you want to tell our readers how to decorate home office, please feel free to leave a comment below!