Friday 25 November 2011

Definition of an interior designer

The professional interior designer is qualified by education, experience, and examination to enhance the
function and quality of interior spaces for the purpose of improving the quality of life, increasing
productivity, and protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
the professional interior designer:
■   Analyzes clients’ needs, goals, and life safety requirements
■ Integrates their findings with a knowledge of interior design
■ Formulates preliminary design concepts that are aesthetic, appropriate, and functional, and
in accordance with codes and standards
■     Develops and presents final design recommendations through appropriate presentation media
■   Prepares working drawings and specifications for non-load-bearing interior construction,
reflected ceiling plans, lighting, interior detailing, materials, finishes, space planning,
furnishings, fixtures, and equipment in compliance with universal accessibility guidelines
and all applicable codes
■   Collaborates with professional services of other licensed practitioners in the technical areas
of mechanical, electrical, and load-bearing design as required for regulatory approval
■   Prepares and administers bids and contract documents as the client’s agent
■ Reviews and evaluates design solutions during implementation and upon completion

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