Friday 25 November 2011


Many homeowners fear that they lack the ability to design bedroom and decorate the rooms of their homes without any professional help. In many cases, they’re probably right to feel that way.
However, there are countless homeowners and apartment dwellers – perhaps you’re one of them – - who, when they try to “dress up a room” do a good, even a great, job.
Bedroom DesignIt’s not as difficult as you think. If you have an imagination and an “eye for layout,” you can design any room in your home. Consider the bedrooms …
Let’s imagine, for a moment, that you have children, a boy and a girl. And let’s say that your son is a teenager. Bedroom design for him should be simple. Create a sports theme – with posters of his favorite players (any sport, of course) … bedding and linens that have a sports theme … paint or wallpaper in colors and/or patterns that teenage boys like and – bingo – you’ve completed a successful bedroom design.
It’s just as simple for your daughter. Let’s say that she, too, is a teenager. The posters that cover her walls should be of teen idols she adores (they’re numerous). And her bedding should reflect who she is – a young female. Feminine colors and ruffles and lace should dominate the bedding theme which can be topped off with cuddly, stuffed animals. And … that’s it – easy!
But what about bedroom designs for your part of the house? The Master Bedroom requires more thought than what was needed for the rooms you designed for your kids – maybe lots more thought.  There are so many design themes you can opt to use …
Create a warm and inviting “colonial theme” with a big, four-poster bed and dressers crafted in rich, mahogany woods that look sensational. Or … choose a different theme …
Turn your Master Bedroom into a contemporary showplace with a modern bed and backboard … matching end tables and a long, sleek dresser – all crafted in shiny and attractive laminates. It looks good … and you’ll love it.
There are, of course, other bedroom designs that you can select. How about the ultra-modern look that includes furniture which is more noteworthy for its appearance than for its comfort. That’s not to say it’s uncomfortable. It is, however so stylishly-advanced, so avant-garde, that it may actually look uncomfortable. It will also look memorable … a single room showcase of which you will be justifiably proud.
Is there anything else you can do … are there any other bedroom designs that may make sense for your Master Bedroom? How about the eclectic look? This style enables you to create a “bedroom hodgepodge” of different styles for the express purpose of creating a “look” that is unique.
Bedroom DesignIf you opt to go “eclectic,” you can use your four-poster bed with the modern laminated dresser … with lamps that recall a period known as “the gaslight era” – you get the idea. Eclectic means that you can “mix and match” a little bit of everything to create a bedroom design that is yours, alone.
Now that you know you can do it, sit back and plan new bedroom designs for your kids and for yourself. And then … enjoy the results.

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